Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Backwoods Christian Camp (Is It Worth A Week Of Your Time?)

What is so special about Backwoods Christian Camp?  Isn’t it rough and rugged and without many of the modern conveniences that make life so easy?  No WIFI, no TV, and no SMART PHONES!?!  Why would anyone want to go there?  Here are a few reasons why I go:  

It is almost an everyday occurrence for a simple glance at the beautiful river, mountains, or starlit sky to spark a meaningful conversation about our awesome Creator.  When I am at Backwoods, looking in any direction makes me want to proclaim: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Psalms 19:1).

Young people (and adults) who would normally have been playing video games or watching TV if they had been at home find themselves wanting to spend the late evenings in life-changing Bible studies.  At BCC you can always find someone to study or pray with.  Many souls have been saved because of the spiritual atmosphere that you will find there.  Maybe you are in need of new friends who genuinely care about you.
I’ve heard people talk about getting their “spiritual battery charged” when they attend a week of BCC.  This makes sense when you consider that in one week at camp you will hear around five sermons, eight Bible classes, fourteen devotionals or Bible studies, and be a part of at least 4 singing sessions (not including the occasions when singing breaks out at various places throughout the days). 

I guess a simple way of putting it is that a week at Backwoods Christian Camp is what I wish life in the “real world” were like.  It is filled with worship of the almighty God, fellowship with Christians and others who are seeking the truth, and so much joy.  Christians there seem to forget the fears they had about sharing Christ with those around them.  I mean it when I say that everybody is somebody when they are there.  You are invited to spend a week at BCC with the Walnut Street Church Of Christ July 7-12, 2013.  Call 334-382-3001 for details.

----Darrell Powell