Thursday, April 9, 2015

Movies Without Language or Scenes

       Growing up, my big brother and I had funny ways of describing the content of movies.  If we wanted to watch a particular film, we would appeal to our good parents by saying, "I don't think this movie has any language in it!"  And my brother might add, "And it doesn't have any scenes in it either!"  Wow, a movie without any language or scenes in it...sounds great.  Of course, we were claiming it had no foul language or inappropriate scenes.  It's a good thing for children to be concerned about the content of TV and movies, especially in a world where said content is dominated by immorality.  On a positive note, I want to tell you about an option for those who desire more control over the content of the movies they watch.
            ClearPlay is a company that provides families with a couple ways to completely remove unwanted parts of movies watched at home.  Their services allow you to filter out foul language (including vain references to God), nudity, sexual content, vulgarity, violence, and more.  It is also customizable, with settings that adjust from no filter up to a high filter that should block out all of any given category.  For instance, in watching a movie like Saving Private Ryan, one could set the filter to edit out all profanity, but leave a level of violence since the film is a depiction of war.
            By visiting, you can choose from two options, depending on your preferred movie watching format.  The ClearPlay Player lets you view Blu-Ray disks and DVD's.  For $299.00 you can get the player and 12 months of their filtering service.  Then, for those who prefer streaming their movies, for $79.99 per year, you have access to the ClearPlay filters on all movies you rent or purchase from Google Play (though the company is working on partnerships with other venues like Netflix and Amazon).
            Many of us learned as children the Proverb, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4:23)  Not everything we watch may corrupt our hearts, but with options like ClearPlay out there, why wouldn't every Christian want to take advantage of the extra protection. 

----Darrell Powell

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