Let’s be
honest. There are some words in the
Bible that we read, and maybe that we’ve read over and over, that we do not
know the meaning of. I John 2 contains
one of the more commonly over looked words, and it’s such a shame because the
word carries such weight. John is
concluding a section about the continual forgiving power of Christ’s blood and
he says “I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if
anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the
righteous.” (I John 2:1) Then, he writes
that Christ is the “propitiation…for the sins of the whole world.” (vs. 2)
The beauty and
depth of this word, “propitiation,” is so profound. The word carries the basic idea of
appeasement, or satisfaction, specifically towards God. It’s the principle that
Christ, by enduring the cross, satisfied God’s demands of justice for our sins. The penalty for sin is death. (Romans
6:23) But Jesus chose physical death SO
THAT we wouldn’t have to pay for our own souls with OUR spiritual death.
Here are two
things this means for followers of Christ. One, it means that JESUS already did
the one thing that would appease the wrath of the Father, and nobody or nothing
else is needed or acceptable in order to accomplish that. When a person is converted to Christ (Acts
3:19), submits to His will (James 4:7), and chooses to strive to “keep His
commandments” (I John 2:3), he is simply accepting the atonement that the
Savior has already provided. You, nor anything that you do, can “atone” for
even one single sin.
Two, Christ as
our propitiation means that God loves us. And if He loves us, we should love
one another. (I John 4:9-11) In fact, it’s
our love for one another that “perfects” God’s love in us (4:12) Most of us
know that the second greatest command is to love one another as we love
ourselves. This desire for us was at the
pinnacle of why Christ sacrificed Himself for us. Are you making Him proud by the way you treat
others? God taught us mercy by paying for our sins Himself. It’s our turn to reciprocate that love by
loving one another.